Event Planning: 4 Things Budding Organisers Must Know

Organising a successful event is both a science and an art. After all, it requires creativity and expression to create excitement and attract the intended audience. But it also needs a keen eye for detail and a solid scheme to serve as its foundation to avoid oversights and mistakes. Simply put, it isn’t an easy task. Depending on the scale of the affair or happening, it could require weeks, if not months, of careful planning. With that said, we’ll cover all of the things you need to know as a budding organiser in this article.

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/drinks-alcohol-glasses-champagne-1283608/

  • Begin as soon as possible

Time is a rare and valuable commodity for any coordinator. Even a tiny affair can eat up a lot of time during its planning stages. It’s not hard to see why when you consider all the work it entails, between booking a venue, looking for catering services, and comparing vendors. Therefore, you must begin as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the more time you have to work with, after all. As a result, you won’t have to rush to meet the deadline. You’re likely to complete the job much quicker than you otherwise would have, leaving you with enough time to enjoy YOUR hobbies like playing on the NetBet gaming platform, running the Fortnite landscape or cracking a devilishly difficult Sudoku puzzle.

  • Delegate responsibilities

Event planning can be a massive undertaking, and it isn’t a job that a single person can do on their own. For that reason, having a team is essential to succeed. However, if you micromanage them, then you’ll do more harm to the program than good. So make sure that you learn to delegate and trust every group member to fulfil their respective responsibilities. In doing so, you’ll maintain a much higher level of productivity and efficiency. And in turn, you’ll minimise your susceptibility to making any mistakes that could derail the event.

  • Always have a contingency

It’s rare for any event not to go through some difficulties. Whether it’s a change in weather condition or a vendor that pulls out at the last minute, many problems can arise when planning for an event, and your ability to adapt to these challenges can make all the difference. One way to overcome any issues that may present during the event is by having a contingency. For example, if the affair is supposed to take place outdoors, you’ll want to book an indoor location close by just if it rains. You’ll also want to keep a few vendors on call in case one can’t make it.

  • Try to have fun

The process of planning any event can be tedious and time-consuming. However, you must always try to have fun and enjoy it. When all’s said and done, your disposition during this stage can set the mood and tone for the rest of the event. Try to incorporate karaoke sessions, talent shows, stand-up comedies, etcetera into the process to lighten the mood. It may sound simple, but you’ll be surprised at how effective it can be.


It’s a colossal undertaking to plan an event, especially those of larger scale. However, it isn’t impossible to get flawless results, even as a first-time organiser. By adopting these practices and making them a part of your process, you’ll be able to make things much easier on yourself and the rest of your team without compromising the intended outcome.

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/concert-confetti-party-event-club-2527495/

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